Thursday, 24 April 2014

Trapped by underwriting?

Back in February we shared a blog piece where we illustrated the benefits of our online approach to member underwriting and its ability to help untie knotty schemes. You can now read how we were able to help one company – cutting the cost of their scheme’s group life cover by around 30% in the process – here.

If you have a client whose scheme has been ‘trapped’ by underwriting decisions made some time ago but who feel that a fresh assessment now could lead to a different outcome, we would be happy to look at their current circumstances and offer them an online assessment service where there is a reasonable prospect of a different decision.  Contact our Sales team – 020 3003 6262 or – and maybe we can ‘free’ your client’s scheme.

Tim Creamer
Chief Underwriter

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Death claim process goes ( a bit ) digital

We have been looking at our process for handling death claims seeking to speed up what has been up to now the least digital part of our process.  Of course we see handling a death in a work community to be a more personal process than getting a small scheme quote and that won’t change. However there are digital process advantages that we can realise. 

There are two changes

-          For the majority of death claims we will make a digital enquiry to the Register of Deaths so the sponsoring employer does not have to ask the employee’s family to send the original death certificate
-          We have an e form on our website for first notification of the claim here.

These changes will make it easier to submit claims and will speed up payment.